




Octobre 19th, 7 pm, Finnische Seemannskirche Hamburg:

Gal-Trio (Gesine Dreyer, Harp, Angela Firkins, Flute, Lena Eckels, Viola) with works from Debussy, Takemitsu, Ibert


 Novembre 24th, 7pm, MuK Lübeck

"…but the whales are still singing"

Concert with scientific talk: Trios for Piano, Flute and Cello from C.M.v. Weber and G.Crumb with Lauma Skribe, Piano, Angela Firkins, Flute and Tanja Tetzlaff, Cello. Lecture from Prof. Dr. Antje Boetius (Alfred-Wegener-Institut)


November 11th, Festival of the winds in the Musikhochschule Lübeck:

concert at 4, 6 and 8 pm.